Thursday, 24 March 2011

Day 2

So today was a tough day! Thinking about what to blog about is difficult!! I woke up bright and early after sleeping at my sisters house already thinking about what new "task" I was going to do today.. After a busy day at work and still no ideas,  its now 6:00pm and I am venturing on the road to go to my sisters. With my sisters suggestion of putting Charlie (my three year old niece) to bed, I knew I had to find something--hopefully something a little bit more interesting then putting a toddler to sleep. Secretly its because I knew I would never have success (No way she would listen to me) and that my second task of the whole entire project would be an epic fail. Putting Children to bed is not really my strong point, but flaws:Perfection.....right? 

So Finally!! I figure out this fabulous idea of something new Im going to do today. And if I can say this, it was a really really great idea! So to complete this new task, I had to go buy something at the drugstore. As I take out a twenty dollar bill to pay, I noticed that there was writing on one side of the green bill. I put it back in my wallet, take out another twenty... pay... leave, and then decide that this task has got to wait!! This twenty dollar bill practically flashes in front of my eyes and I decide that I need to do something with it today. My old idea is just going to have to wait, but something to look forward to tomorrow. 

Your probably wondering what was written on the bill... well it says "Follow this bill at" This is the first time I have ever come across a piece of currency with a message on it. Im now pretty excited to log on to this website and be able to see exactly where this bill has traveled to and how many people have handled it. So I get onto my macBook and go to the website. Enter the serial code, and their we have it! The history of exactly where this bill has traveled to. Turns out this bill has only been checked in once.. kind of disappointing... but the results were still mildly exciting. This twenty dollar bill had been checked in to Langley, B.C in 2008 and then checked in again by me in 2011 in Calgary, AB.  So this got me asking a couple of questions... I still wondered really how many different cities this bill went to? how many people have touched it.? How did it get from Langley, B.C to Calgary, AB? Did it really take three years to travel here?

So what do I decide to do?? I decide to write the name of my blog on a twenty dollar bill!! thats right is now written on a twenty dollar bill. Is that even legal??? Now that I have written on the bill I am a bit alarmed that your not suppose to write on Canadian money... not only that.. but I wrote my personal blog name on the bill. I guess I am officially trackable now, I hope I don't get in trouble. So the thought behind it???? If every person that earns or is given my twenty dollar bill there is a chance that possibly they will log on and check out my blog!!!!! Hopefully leave a comment and tell me where they are from!! I can't wait to see if I get any response! If you so happen to come across this twenty dollar bill please make sure to leave a comment!! (If your going to starbucks tomorrow I would suggest going to the starbucks in Dalhousie station..... you might have the chance!!!) 

So things I tried that are new today......

1. Found and tracked a piece of Canadian Currency
2. Branded a twenty dollar bill with my blog name
3.Probably broke a law for writing on a piece of money

Until tomorrow.....

oh and P.S.. It took my brother-in-law about twenty five minutes to get Charlie to bed. Definitely a task that would have been a lot more difficult for me!

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