Monday, 28 March 2011

Day 6

2 trips to Safeway, one trip to seven eleven, 6 bags of chocolate chips and 3 and a half hours later I am finally finished. Although all of the above things don't sound so exciting...(except for the chocolate chips part) the were the best three hours I have had in a long time. The whole time spent giggling and laughing with my roommate Lane

We most recently got a new oven and have been using it the last two days none stop! Last week a girl at work brought these cake pops in. They were absolutely amazing and she proceeded to tell me how easy they were to make and told me exactly how to make them. So tonight was the night I decided to try it out! Let me tell you.... not an easy task! The pictures are embarrassing! 

(this is me rolling the cake balls. As you can see... Im still sporting my very fun nail polish)

So from the beginning... I stop at Safeway to get all of the tools to make these cake lollipops! When I leave the grocery store I realize that I have already forgotten an ingredient.. milk! So I decide to stop at seven eleven down the street from my house. When I get home I immediately start baking a cake. This part is all very organized, I watch a bit of t.v with my roommate and soon the cake is finished! So the cake comes out... I let it cool... crumble up the cake, add icing... and roll it into pretty little balls. All this time feeling very proud of myself!!! This whole time Lane is debating if she should go to bed or not. She wants to stay up to see the final product but she also has school in the morning. So she decides to help me. I need to cut my skewers in half (make shift lollipop sticks) so Lane gets on melting the chocolate. Turns out cutting skewers is harder then you think. The house we live in is being renovated on the main floor. Lane suggests to go use a saw. I do... and it doesn't work. But definitely provided entertainment thinking it was a good idea.  When I come back upstairs to our kitchen, Lane is getting along well and she is getting the chocolate melted. We decide we should add milk to the chocolate to change the consistency. NOT a good idea! Pretty soon we just have a clump of white chocolate. So Lane says... why don't you just do this in the morning? And I just couldn't do that. I started the project and I needed to finish it. So I hope into my car and go and get 4 more bags of chocolate chips!  Come back and finally melt the chocolate!!! Although is still is not a consistency to stick to the cake mix well. It turn out to be an epic fail! My cake keeps breaking, I can't get the chocolate on smooth, the sprinkles are sticking to my hands. epic fail. 

(attempting to roll the ball in sprinkles)

Final product: Not good! But hey.... at least they have character. 

(final product)

Turns out making cake lollipops is not easy. I am very proud of anyone who can make them successfully. I am just not a baker. I guess if I ever have a craving for them I will have to find someone to make them for me!!

The best part about the whole experience...... the amount of times I smiled and laughed at my self. Although my cake pops are "flawed" they still taste amazing and I think they are extremely cute. I did get frustrated and only made 5 out of the 34 I was planing on making... but practice makes perfect and when my mom gets back in town... Im sure we will make some together! (Hers will probably be perfect)

Something that will not be added to the list in the about me section. Baker. Cake pops are not for me..... at least not without my moms help. 

See you at Day 7

1 comment:

  1. Fun...a little cake pop tip, it's easier to dip them if you freeze them first!! They don't fall apart! xo
