What a perfect day to watch a documentary. This morning I had a conversation with my friend Tara which actually started with how handsome we thought Bradley Cooper is (my future husband... how great does Jennifer Casey Cooper sound?? great ring to it.)... some how it got into how I liked Leonardo DiCaprio because A. He is an unreal actor and b. he is an environmental activist. I am most recently a "new founded" environmentalist. So what do I do.. I hit up google to show Tara exactly what Leonardo DiCaprio has done... and what do I find, he has produced and narrated a film called The 11th Hour. And what did this documentary do... it brought be back down to earth. It reminded me of the bigger picture of how much of an impact we have on the world. What are the things I can do to make a change? What are some of the bigger things that are happening that need to be change? How does the human population have an effect on Natural Disasters? These are all things I think we think about every day.
Some people say.. why the environment? Why is this what you are passionate about? Well I answer this question almost every day. After setting up a new composting and recycling program at work I get to explain myself every day. Getting people to take the time and using a compost while they are busy is like pulling teeth. Changing there ways is difficult and you really need to be able to explain your ideas. So why is it important? Is composting napkins and chopsticks really going to make a change? What is the value?
Well let me share with you what I think. Some people will say... well Jenn still drives her car, or she owns gucci bags and a cell phone and an i pod. Being environmentally friendly doesn't mean I need to be a tree hugging- live in the jungle- and eat berries and fruit all day. What does it mean to me?? To live a life that I want to live well being sustainable to the place I live in. Being conscious of the purchases I make and what kind of effect they have on the earth when I am finished with them. But why can't we have both? You can.... this is the difference of well-being and well-wanting. If everybody took the time to show a little love, our generation could make a big difference. Using our natural resources instead of fossil fuels. Look at all the things that the human being can do?? Look at all the technology we have created. So why not use these brains we have to incorporate our lives around the planet we live in.
So what are some things you can do in day to day life?
eat at local places, Calgary is great for local food! To name a few of my favorites... Notable, The coup, BoxWood, Deville.. If you have not heard of them.. look it up! Check it out!
Start a recycling program at work and at home. You name it, I recycle it... We recycle everything from chopsticks to tea bags.. to cork... to paper... to to-go boxes for food. Start recycling.
Try to not use your cars. I know its tough even I have trouble with it... But start with walking to the grocery store... why drive?
But really what can you do to make a difference??? Share your ideas with me and with others...what can you do to come back down to earth? Show it some love! Treat the earth with respect and it will show it back to us.
Good night all... see you tomorrow on Fancy Friday!
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