Thursday 14 April 2011

Day 21

This was a Jenn get organized day!!!

It was great to have a day where you get absolutely everything done that you need to. I work 9-6 almost every single business day and it gets a little bit hard to get done the things that need to be done during the day.

One thing that was really on my mind was my passport. The government recommends that you don't travel if your passport is going to expire in 6 months. I go to London in June and my Passport was due to expire in February 2012... so Im playing it safe and decided to get my passport renewed. The entire last week I got all passport things together!..... passport pictures taken..... docoments filled out... birth certificates found, and off I went. I thought in my head that it would only take a half an hour or so... but boy oh boy was I wrong. I ended up being at the office for almost two hours! I played a ton of angry birds while I waited and I made it through 25 levels! And then finally it was my turn!!!! I got my passport renewed and am so relieved that its all been completed!

So next thing on my to-do list. Collect all my T4 slips... last year I worked at 3 different places... crazy hey? One place I only worked at for a week and it was right when I was leaving, after I had spent 2 years there. The next place.. earls... I switched locations so needed 2 T4 slips. And then I moved.. so had the wrong address and none actually made it to me!!! So I drove from location to location picking up all my T4s. When I got to Dalhousie they said they didn't have one for me! Boy was I upset. Being at earls on my day off to pick up a T4 and then it wasn't there was kind of depressing! So I drive home.... call Tara (My fabulous office leader) and get her to check again. And then... they found it!!!!! So I had to drive all the way back and retrieve it!

By now its 6:00pm.... And my day was over.

I was thinking in my head.. man I feel like I wasted a day... But thinking back on it now Im happy that I accomplished so much and achieved everything that I needed to get done! The next day (which I am soon going to write about) ended up being a very relaxing day because I had nothing on my mind!

Its amazing how your mind can think... and over think about all the things that you have been putting off getting done. If there is one thing I have learned its that it creates stress... which is completely unneeded! And as soon as I got all my emergency activities done I felt like a free spirit!!!

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